Het wonderbaarlijke herstel van een mank veulen dankzij miHealth

The miraculous recovery of a lame foal thanks to miHealth


There was a young foal at a breeding farm that had recently been castrated. However, after three weeks it started to limp seriously. The owners tried various traditional treatments without success and saw their animal continue to deteriorate. In their desperation, they decided to have the foal scanned and treated with miHealth , an innovative technology based on quantum physics.

The Power of miHealth

miHealth focuses on the bioenergetic causes of physical problems by scanning the body and detecting energetic blockages. The device sends fractional waves with specific frequencies to the blocked points, which helps to correct and restore the cause of the problem.


The Treatment and Recovery

During the scan, several energetic blockages were identified that were related to the castration and the foal's lameness. These blockages were addressed through targeted treatment with miHealth. After just a few days, the foal started to limp less and seemed to be in less pain. After a week the foal was full of energy again and without visible signs of discomfort.


The Science Behind miHealth

miHealth's technology is based on quantum physics. Everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made up of energy and vibrations. Physical symptoms often arise from disturbances in the energetic field of the body. miHealth uses specific frequencies to detect and correct these disturbances, resulting in a restoration of the body's 'bioenergetic matrix'.



The story of the lame foal that recovered thanks to miHealth shows the power of this technology. The owners, initially desperate, found hope and healing in an alternative approach. The foal recovered quickly and was healthy again within a week.

miHealth offers an innovative and effective way to tackle physical complaints by focusing on the bioenergetic causes. This technology has the potential to help both animals and people restore their health and well-being. This story underlines the importance of exploring alternative treatment methods, especially when traditional approaches fail. Thanks to advances in quantum physics, we can now discover a new dimension of healing that is fundamentally changing our understanding of health and well-being.
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